Recommended care for older adults by the current situation

The current situation has alerted people regarding extreme precautions to avoid suffering from COVID-19, turns it is of extreme importance to keep in mind the measures that must be taken when keeping in contact with seniors since they are the most vulnerable to this and other diseases. Here are some tips to take the necessary care and to cope with these moments with the least possible risk when taking care of our loved ones.

It is very important to avoid close contact with older adults, especially if you recently have a cough or flu, remember that the incubation time for flu and other illnesses is one to four days, from when you come into contact with the virus until symptoms appear.

Also as people age, the immune system no longer works as well. Therefore are more prone to the following changes to the immune system:

• The immune system becomes slower to respond. This increases the risk of getting sick. Flu shots or other vaccines may not work as well or protect  for as long as expected.
• They can have an autoimmune disease. It is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissues.
• The body can heal more slowly. There are fewer immune cells in the body to achieve healing.
• The immune system’s ability to detect and correct cellular defects also decreases.

Keep in mind also using the necessary hygiene products such as antibacterial, gloves or face mask when caring for adults since all surfaces are exposed to the spit of those who are nearby, the use of masks and gloves can help reduce the risk of contracting a virus through the “splash” of a sneeze or cough, and providing some protection against word-of-mouth transmission.

You can help reducing risk by helping older adults to go instead of them to crowded places such as banks and hospitals, the risk depends on where they are and more so if an outbreak of the virus is occurring in that place. The main way of spreading the disease is through the respiratory drops expelled by someone when coughing.

It is also essential to carry out a rigorous cleaning at home, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC for its acronym in English), gave some recommendations for cleaning and disinfection for the home.

To clean soft surfaces such as carpeted floors, rugs, and curtains, has to be do it with soap and water or with appropriate cleaners for use on these surfaces, such as products registered by the EPA for use against coronavirus.

In the case of clothing, the CDC recommends that, if there is a sick person at home, wash their clothes separately, also clean and disinfect the laundry baskets, in addition to staying separate from the sick person and washing their utensils using gloves and hot water.

Do not forget that at this time, the best way to contribute to the care of our older adults is to pay attention to what is necessary, even if this doesn’t mean being close to them all the time, above all, stay calm and be patient, you small contribution will make a big difference around the world right now!