21 May The importance of psychological therapy for older adults
This May 20th Mexico celebrates the day of the psychologist, in recognition of the task that these professionals carry out always in favor of a better society. Let us remember that their role is extremely important in the community since psychological therapy always contributes positively in people, whether it is seeking a better coexistence with each other or a greater emotional balance, although on some occasions we may consider that we are not candidates to go to therapy is much more important than you may believe, in addition to being our responsibility to provide this support to those who are under our responsibility.
In this case we refer specifically to seniors who are in our care, perhaps our family member does not directly ask us for this type of help or they may not consider it necessary, so we invite you to know more in detail because it is important to receive this type of therapy.
Older adults go through various processes, at first sight could not be detected, but their psychological health could be considerably affected. Losing friends, spouse or even children, in addition to the loss of autonomy, there is no way to cope with these events without directly affecting self-esteem and with it the ability to feel useful. This is why psychological help is very necessary.
Although some people carry the aging process in a healthy way, some others that due to their personality or associated pathologies do not process it in a good way. According to the World Health Organization, depression is present in 7% of the general elderly population. Regularly, the primary care medical service that is used in the third age is in charge of following up on the ailments that they already have, however, the appropriate diagnosis is not given to the psychological disorders nor are they treated as they should.
Going to psychological therapy can mean a great change in the lives of our older adults, since they will be able to channel all those existential doubts and will be able to cope with this stage of their life that, although it may awaken some uncertainty, can also be overcome in an exceptional way, because the worries are no longer the same as before.
It is essential to provide the necessary care to our loved ones to avoid future complications, in addition to any new activity that makes them get out of the routine is always welcome. At CasaMar we have the support of professional therapists who will provide psychological counseling if required, the well-being of our residents is always a priority for our staff. Visit us!