Horticulture: seniority blooming

For many years it has been argued that maintaining hobbies that involve physical activity, interaction with other people and motivation helps against depression, but above all, gardening and horticulture has proven to be highly effective.

These types of activities benefit people because they involve moving, bending and moving the joints, a key piece for the release of brain substances such as neurotransmitters and growth factors, which increase the electrical and chemical connections so that the brain has smooth operation. In addition, it is necessary to think, to take care of the cultivation and to watch it, in general, comprehensive actions.

The planting of vegetables on cultivation tables, in addition to providing psychomotor and sensory stimulation (at the tactile and olfactory level), is very beneficial because it reinforces the feeling of usefulness in our elderly, in addition it has been seen that older adults begin to become more aware on their diet, because they consume their own cultivations. Therefore, the nutritional area, inadvertently, also benefits. This involves the satisfaction provided by seeing their plants grow and being able to eat them later, contact with nature, in addition to favoring the possibility of maintaining and establishing positive relationships with others, providing affective stimulation.

Ellen Langer, a Harvard psychologist, in a landmark study that discusses Counter clockwise in her book, found that when seniors are asked to care for plants and decide when and what time the hours are what results in what they call “mindfulness” and have all sorts of rejuvenating positive effects.

In her book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, naturalist Robin Wall Kimmerer writes lyrically about the wonders of gardening; There is an epiphanic moment of finding happiness in the simple tasks of gardening and cultivating the land:

It came to me when I was picking beans *, the secret of happiness.I was hunting among spiral vines that cover my pole bean tipi, raising dark green leaves to find bunches of shoots, long and firm and lined with a soft lint. I cut them from where they hung in slender pairs, I bit one and I tasted August, distilled in the pure legume essence … When I finished searching the lattice my basket was full, ready to be emptied in the kitchen. I walked among pumpkins and tomato plants fallen by the weight of the fruit, scattered at the feet of the sunflowers, our heads made revelations under the weight of the ripe seeds …

And it is not only the personal happiness of the connection and the sensuality of the earth and the flowers; it is shared happiness, of abundance, generosity and responsibility …

CasaMar offers green and spacious spaces so our residents always have contact with nature, as well as witness the blossoming of their garden every spring, it also plans to offer a horticulture workshop where everyone can participate and harvest fruits! Visit us and learn more about what CasaMar has for you.

