How to take care of the personal hygiene of my older relatives?

In the 3rd age it is essential to pay attention to the changes that are occurring, such is the case of the reduction of mobility and what this brings with it needs to take extreme cautions with general hygiene, this must contemplate several aspects such as correct nutrition and maintain rigorous daily personal hygiene to avoid unpleasant odors, promote self-esteem, generate a feeling of well-being, keep the skin of the elderly in optimal conditions and eliminate dead cells from peeling.

Next, we give you some advice when maintaining the hygiene of your older relatives, remember that it is necessary to maintain special care in your case.

First of all, daily hygiene should be carried out in a place with ample and safe spaces, with an optimal temperature, avoid places with a cold draft, and it will be necessary to have special hygiene products on hand for older adults such as neutral soap, extra moisturizer creams with special formula to avoid skin irritations. It is also important to have soft sponges, thin fiber towels and shampoo on hand avoiding leaving alone the person at any time. Also it is recommended to use a low pressure telephone shower when bathing and to mention to the person at all times what is being done and invite them to do some things for themselves, such as removing the soap from the arms or holding the shower, later thoroughly dry the entire body to avoid humidity in skin folds.

People who are already bedridden also need a thorough hygiene ritual, it is preferable to do it leaning on a container with soap and water and towels of different sizes to reach different areas of the body. Each part should be washed and dried from head to toe, in addition to applying a moisturizer, such as easily excoriated areas such as the back and buttocks.

On the other hand, oral hygiene is essential and requires special care, it is recommended that the elderly person receive a cleaning after each meal. If dentures are already in use, the dentures should be cleaned thoroughly every day by rinsing with plenty of water and neutral soap after each meal. It is necessary to make regular visits to the dentist, older adults are more vulnerable to cavities, as well as gum deterioration and mouth dryness due to decreased salivary function.

The care provided by family and caregivers will make a big difference in the life of the elderly. At CasaMar our team is fully trained to provide this comfort feeling which will favorably promote their health, well-being and self-confidence.