Playing at old age



Playful activities are beneficial to increase creativity, overcome difficult situations and generally improve the quality of life in any of its stages.

Particularly, when elderly, playing turns out to be a very beneficial activity because it allows the imagination to develop, in a game new scenarios are presented so the player must adapt to each of them, in order to continue playing they will have to be creative. It is necessary to go beyond the traditional games where the person plays individually, a very common practice in retirement homes where bingo nights are recurring.

Some other forms of play suggested for the older adult will be appropriate to their current state of health, for example, for people who need memory care, games with objects are recommended to stimulate their sensory and motor skills, explore their properties and do experiments. Outdoor play is highly recommended for people with good mobility capacity, because it allows the adult to use all their senses to build skills such as spatial perception and balance. It can also improve your attention span.

Another suggestion is the simulated game, this type of game allows you to experiment with different social roles and learn to cooperate. Playing dress-up, imitation, and pretend play also fosters creativity and builds more complex negotiation, communication, and language skills.

By playing, people become more flexible, give in, integrate, and adjust emotionally with the other participants. Indirectly, the game allows to recover the personality of the past, in childhood people used to be more spontaneous and open.

In addition to promoting health, play helps foster safe, stable, and rewarding relationships that protect against stress and depression and build social-emotional resilience. The mutual joy and face-to-face interaction that occur during play can help the body handle unpleasant situations.

The change in the elderly is radical, even for the brief moment in which the game takes place, this type of activity provides self-confidence, provides pleasure and satisfaction. Can it be a better therapy?