Provide the correct care for an older adult with constipation

A large number of the elderly population are frequently constipated, between 20% and 30%, and this increases by 30% to 50% when they reach 75 years of age. Constipation is characterized by a reduced bowel movements or difficulty in passing stools. This problem is recurrent in older adults and can bring complications and affect the older adult’s quality of life.

Although it can vary, a person is considered constipated when they have 2 or more of these symptoms for at least 3 months, beginning 6 months before diagnosis:

  • Effort excess to evacuate.
  • Hard stools.
  • Obstruction feeling.
  • Less than 3 bowel movements per week.
  • Evacuating difficult without the use of laxatives.

To avoid constipation, a considerable intake of fiber is recommended, preferably 30 g per day, this portion can be found naturally in 3 servings of fruit and 2 of vegetables as well as adding whole grains such as bread, pasta and rice.

It is also essential to consume 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily and the adequate consumption of fats such as olive oil that helps as an intestinal lubricant.

It is essential to also include probiotics in the usual diet as live bacteria favor the intestinal flora and improve digestion.

Let’s not forget to ensure good digestion, elderlies should eat slowly, well chewing food and be extremely attentive to their routine to notice as soon as there are irregularities in the frequency.

At CasaMar, a team of geriatric professionals attend to the daily needs of residents in order to improve their quality of life one day at a time. Come, and learn more about our way of working and everything we can contribute to your loved one life!