Man and son enjoying their time

The 3 pillars of excellent care for the elderly

When the older family member who is being cared for by other family members begins to require more and more specific care, they will begin to inquire about the care options for the elderly. Once you start this search, the offers will appear everywhere, but there are certain fundamental aspects that must be taken into consideration to ensure good care. Here we present 3 points that a retirement home should always integrate.

Choose a residency that offers medical care

A quality care service for the elderly must always have the support of doctors within the facilities who maintain a record of the resident’s state of health, remember that at this age, timely medical attention is essential.

Retirement homes that offer medical care must provide follow-up and typical care of the geriatric area, this is because the needs and conditions of the residents are very different. An example of this is the administration of medications, a very important part in the improvement of the elderly, a specialized retirement home will offer a specialized service of nurses and caregivers who will keep strict control over the treatments assigned by the residents’ doctors to avoid complications and seek the improvement or rehabilitation of the person.

Safety is overriding

Safety must be one of the most important aspects in a retirement residence, the integrity of our family depends on this, as well as our peace. We recommend that once you visit the retirement home of your interest, observe every details, wide corridors to allow movement between other activities, there must also be handrails and ramps.

Also make sure that help buttons are easy-to-use in each room, and make sure the team of nurses and caregivers is large for a prompt and timely response. Also consider the proximity of the retirement home to a hospital or the agreements it has with medical centers or ambulances in order to guarantee immediate attention.

Specialized care

A retirement residence must offer specialized care that brings multiple benefits to the resident internally and externally that will be reflected in their health, quality of life and behavior. Activities such as occupational therapy can be preventive or slower of mental illnesses, in addition to promoting the dexterity and independence of the elderly.

On the other hand, rehabilitation therapy can also be benefical for those who may require it due to the aftermath of an accident or to complement the recovery from surgery.


At CasaMar, a team of geriatric professionals attend to the daily needs of residents to improve their quality of life one day at a time. Come, and learn more about our way of working and everything we can contribute to the life of your loved one!