It is quite common to take our elderlies to treatments or interventions necessary for their well-being, however, in many cases the expected response is reflected in complications that reduce the success that was sought. For this, it will be necessary to measure the frailty of the...
It is normal that seniors present a decrease in physical activity due to fatigue, pain, and a progressive loss of balance, strength or endurance. However, there are ways to delay the deterioration that the body experiences, physiotherapy in older people has established itself as an...
Who can resist to smile when seeing your pet? Some studies on the use of dogs for therapeutic purposes have shown that it has its presence in the health and spirit of people. Tasks as simple as peeling and cutting pieces of a sandwich to give...
Playing at old age Playful activities are beneficial to increase creativity, overcome difficult situations and generally improve the quality of life in any of its stages. Particularly, when elderly, playing turns out to be a very beneficial activity because it allows the imagination to develop, in a...
Maybe this was already on your mind, but, have you consider before another country to live your retirement? This can be good for your budget, as well as the pleasant climate in most regions and the facility to communicate ( english speakers are increasing!), a...
A great part of people 65 or over may suffer depression. Great part of doctor visits involve complaints of emotional tension. A quarter of suicide cases in developed countrys are from senior adults. Depression is one of the principal causes of the reduction in the...