It is common that the risk of falls increases at an older age, especially in the ages between 65 and 80, it becomes even more serious not only to suffer this accident but also the subsequent consequences such as causing some type of trauma or...
Es común que a mayor edad aumente el riesgo de caídas, sobre todo en las edades entre los 65 y los 80 años se vuelve aún más grave no solo sufrir este accidente si no las consecuencias posteriores como originar algún tipo de traumatismo o...
In the old age, the physical condition of the elderly suffers considerably from the intense physical activity involved when traveling: long walks, transfers, carrying luggage, etc. So it can bring great nostalgia not being able to carry out these types of activities with the frequency...
En la tercera edad, la condición física del adulto mayor resiente considerablemente la intensa actividad física que implica estar de viaje: largas caminatas, transbordos, cargar equipaje, etc. por lo que puede traer una gran nostalgia el no poder realizar este tipo de actividades con la...
An older adult's life can be complicated because aging causes certain conditions that can make the quality of life difficult. Often, it is not possible for family members to attend to them according to the needs of the elderly, mostly because they will require special...
With the issue of the global quarantine (which has already been extended to more than 40 days) we have seen various consequences, including one of the most notorious, the loss of physical activity due to the limitation of spaces. This has been affecting all sectors...
The arrival of a new year always merits a great celebration, and it is common for these celebrations to drink alcoholic beverages. Although many people always gets a conflict when deciding whether or not it is appropriate for the elderly to consume them, this time...