Maybe this was already on your mind, but, have you consider before another country to live your retirement? This can be good for your budget, as well as the pleasant climate in most regions and the facility to communicate ( english speakers are increasing!), a...
Depesión En Adultos Mayores ¿Cómo Ayudarlos? Atender la depresión en adultos mayores Una gran parte de las personas de 65 años o mayores sufren depresión. Gran parte de las visitas al médico involucran quejas por la tensión emocional. Una cuarta parte de los suicidios en países desarrollados...
A great part of people 65 or over may suffer depression. Great part of doctor visits involve complaints of emotional tension. A quarter of suicide cases in developed countrys are from senior adults. Depression is one of the principal causes of the reduction in the...
The mayor reflection of economic stability is having our own home as well as being one of the greatest personal achievements. It may sound strange to think of people whose retirement is coming specifically to consider putting their home up for sale ...
Senior adults have taken their important presence in society, for which have to reconsider their strength. Actually they are a invaluable resource and we fall into a great error of overlooking it. A considerable number of personalities have obtained their biggest recognition after they turn 60,...